57 II Network Setup - Administrators only
Chapter 4 Setting from the Control Panel
4-8. E-Mail (SMTP) Setup
This sets the information for the SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) necessary for sending images as E-
mail attachments with the scanner functions. The POP before SMTP feature (which confirms SMTP before
sending) can also be set from this menu.
1 Touch the [6.E-Mail (SMTP) Setup] key on [Network setting] screen.
→ The [E-Mail (SMTP) Setup] screen is displayed.
zFor details on the procedure for displaying the [Network setting] screen, refer to [4-2.Method for Setting Network from
Control Panel] ( Page 23).
Use this screen to access the following:
[E-Mail (SMTP) Setup] screen 1/2
Enable SMTP Page 58
SMTP Server Page 58
Binary Division Page 59
[E-Mail (SMTP) Setup] screen 2/2
Conection Timeout Page 60
Maximum Msg Size Page 60
[E-Mail (SMTP) Setup : Detail] screen
SMTP Port Number Page 61
POP before SMTP Page 62
zUse [ ] and [ ] to switch screens.
2 Touch [OK] key.
→ The display returns to the [Network setting] screen.
zTouching [CANCEL] will return you to the [Network setting] screen without any of the changes taking effect.