Loading Media
Loading Media
How do I load media?
Take off the top and bottom sheets of a
ream of paper. Holding a stack of approx-
imately 100 sheets at a time, fan the
stack to prevent static buildup before
inserting it in a tray.
" Do not fan transparencies.
Although this printer was designed for printing on a wide range of
media types, it is not intended to print exclusively on a single media
type except plain paper. Continuous printing on media other than plain
paper (such as envelopes, labels, thick stock, or transparencies) may
adversely affect print quality or reduce engine life.
When refilling media, first remove any media remaining in the tray. Stack it
with the new media, even the edges, then reload it.
Loading Media (Tray 1/2/3/4)
For details on the types and sizes of media that can be printed, refer to
“Media Specifications” on page 84.
Loading Plain Paper
1 Open the tray and place it on a
flat surface.