
The shutter speed and aperture control more than the exposure. The shutter speed deter-
mines how sharp a moving subject is. The aperture controls the depth of field; the area in
front of the camera that appears sharp. For more on exposure controls, see the Short Guide
to Photography on page 129.
The photographer selects the aperture and the camera sets the appropriate shut-
ter speed to ensure the correct exposure. When aperture priority is selected, the
aperture value on the monitor turns blue and a double arrow indicator appears
next to it. The flash mode can be set to fill-flash, fill-flash with red-eye reduction,
or slow sync. with red-eye reduction (p. 26).
36 Advanced recording
The program exposure mode controls both the shutter speed and aperture to
ensure correct exposures. This exposure mode allows photographers to shoot
without worry about exposure settings. The shutter speed and aperture values of
the exposure are displayed on the monitor when the shutter-release button is
pressed partway down. If shutter speed and aperture displays turn red, the scene
is beyond the exposure control range of the camera.
Program (P) Exposure mode
Use the up/down keys of the controller (1) to set the
aperture. The aperture value can be changed in 1/3 stop
increments. Press the shutter-release button partway
down to activate the exposure system; the correspond-
ing shutter speed is displayed on the monitor.
The photographer selects the shutter speed and the camera sets the appropriate
aperture to ensure correct exposure. When shutter priority is selected, the shutter
speed on the monitor turns blue and a double arrow indicator appears next to it.
The shutter speed can be set between 1/1000 and 4 seconds. If the shutter speed
is beyond the aperture range, the aperture display turns red. The flash mode can
be set to fill-flash, fill-flash with red-eye reduction, or slow sync. with red-eye
reduction (p. 26).
Because the maximum aperture is not the same at the wide-angle and telephoto position, as the
lens is zoomed, the aperture shifts automatically. If the aperture value is beyond the shutter-speed
range, the shutter-speed display turns red on the monitor.
Use the up/down keys of the controller (1) to set the
shutter speed. Press the shutter-release button partway
down to activate the exposure system; the correspond-
ing aperture is displayed on the monitor.
Aperture priority (A) Exposure mode
Shutter priority (S) Exposure mode
Shooting Tips
The camera-shake warning (p. 27) does not appear in S mode. If a slow shutter speed is selected,
noise-reduction processing is applied to the image; a message may appear during processing. See
page 39 for more on noise reduction.