
2272 X 1704 1600 X 1200 1280 X 960
2 sec
10 sec
Instant playback is disabled.
The captured image will be displayed for two or ten seconds. While dis-
played, the image can be deleted before being saved.
: delete : store
Press the controller to delete the
Use the left/right keys of the
controller to highlight “YES.” “NO”
will cancel the operation.
To delete an image during the
instant playback, press the
QV/delete button (1). A
confirmation screen will appear.
After an image is captured, it can be displayed on the monitor before being saved. An
index display is used with the continuous-advance or bracketing drive modes (p. 32).
When used with voice memo, the audio recording begins after the image is played back.
Instant playback is activated with a menu; see navigating the auto-recording mode menu
section on page 42. Instant playback is also set in the custom 2 section of the multi-
function recording menu (p. 54). There are three menu settings:
If the center of the controller is pressed
during the instant playback, the displayed
image will immediately be saved and the
playback canceled.
Delete this frame?
Assisting the optical zoom is a 2.2X digital zoom. The effect of the digital zoom doubles
the power of the telephoto position of the optical zoom giving the equivalent of a 308mm
lens on a 35mm camera. The effect is visible on the LCD monitor only. The digital-zoom
is canceled if the LCD monitor is turned off (p. 37). The digital zoom is activated in the
auto-recording menu (p. 42). In the multi-function recording mode, it is activated in the
custom 1 section of the multi-function recording mode menu (p. 54).
At the maximum telephoto position,
press the up key (T) to activate the
digital zoom. X2.2 will be displayed in
the top right corner of the monitor.
To cancel the digital zoom, press the
down key.
When an image is taken with the digital zoom, the final image size depends on the image-
size setting on the camera, see chart.
Image size setting
Size of
recorded image
1024 X 768 1024 X 768 1024 X 768 640 X 480
To store an image during playback. To delete an image.
640 X 480