
Memory card folder organization
Drive Icon
Still image
The misc. folder
contains DPOF print
files (p. 42).
Movie image with
Once the camera is connected to the computer, image files
can be accessed by double clicking on icons. Image folders
are located in the DCIM folder. To copy images, simply drag
and drop the file icon into a location in the computer. Files
and folders in the internal memory or memory card can be
deleted using the computer. Never format the internal memo-
ry nor memory card from the computer; always use the cam-
era to format the memory. Only files recorded by the camera
should be stored in the internal memory or memory card.
Image and movie file names begin with “PICT” followed by a
four-digit file number and a jpg or avi extension.
If the all-images copy function (p. 36) is used, a new folder is
created. When a folder is created, the first three digits in the
folder name will be one greater than the largest folder num-
ber on the card. When the index number in the image file
name exceeds 9,999, a new folder will be created with a
number one greater than the greatest folder number on the
memory card: e.g. from 100MLT32 to 101MLT32.
The number in the image file name may not correspond to
the frame number of the image. As images are deleted in the
camera, the frame counter will adjust itself to show the num-
ber of images on the card and reassign the frame numbers
accordingly. The serial numbers used with image files will not
change when an image is deleted. When a new image is
recorded, it will be assigned a number one greater than the
largest serial number in the folder.