Color Difference Target Color Data Operation
Delete the target color data.
When the data is protected, you cannot select “Delete” on the <Menu> screen.
[Setting Procedure]
Start the procedure from the <Menu> screen of the <Target> screen.
Use the or button of the cross key to
move the cursor to “Delete” and then press
the [SAVE/SEL] button.
The <Delete> screen is displayed.
Use the button of the cross key to move the
cursor to “OK” and press the [SAVE/SEL]
button, and the data is deleted.
• When the deletion is complete, the screen returns to the
<Target> screen.
• When you place the cursor on “Cancel” and press the
[SAVE/SEL] button, the deletion is canceled and the
screen returns to the <Target> screen.
Tolerance (Box Tolerance) Setting
Specify the tolerance (box tolerance) used for pass/fail judgment of measured data to each target color.
• Before you set tolerance to each target color, the default tolerance selected for the measurement is set (factory setting:
No. 01). For details, refer to page E-61 “Setting the Default Color Difference Tolerance (Tolerance (Def.))”.
• With the optional Color Data Software “SpectraMagic
™ NX”, you can set or use the color difference tolerance easily.
The items which can be set as tolerance settings are the items for the currently selected default tolerance
registration number (initial setting at time of shipment: registration 01). Even if the display conditions (such as
color space or color difference equation, index, etc.) are changed, the tolerance setting items will not be changed.
If it is desired to change the tolerance setting items, after changing the display conditions, it is necessary to create
new tolerance settings in the Tolerance (Def.) screen.
[Setting Procedure]
Start the procedure from the <Menu> screen of the <Target> screen.
Use the or button of the cross key to
move the cursor to “Tolerance” and then
press the [SAVE/SEL] button.
The <Tolerance> screen is displayed.