
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6
01B: Change all bank references
This command changes all program banks specied for tim-
bres in combinations or tracks of songs.
1 Select Change all bank references to access the dialog
2 If you wish to change bank references for combinations,
check Combination. If you wish to change bank refer-
ences for songs, check Song.
3 In Program Bank, specify the replacement for each
4 To execute the Change All Bank References command,
press the OK button. To cancel, press the Cancel button.
If you change two or more different banks to the same
bank, it will not be possible to use this function to
change them back to different banks. Be careful that the
change destination banks do not overlap.
01C: Touch Panel Calibration
If input via the LCD screen does not work as you expect, or
if the edit cell moves to a location other than where you
pressed the LCD screen, use this command to adjust the sen-
sitivity of the LCD screen.
1 Select Touch Panel Calibration to access the dialog
If you are unable to select this command from the page
menu, hold down the [ENTER] key and press the [2] key
to access the command.
2 Press the square in the upper left of the LCD. When your
touch has been detected correctly the square will be high-
3 Press the square in the lower right of the LCD. When
your touch has been detected correctly the square will be
4 Press the Done button.
If your touch was not detected correctly, an error mes-
sage will appear. Please perform the procedure once
01D: Half Damper Calibration
If a damper pedal that supports half damper (the DS1H
option) is connected to the DAMPER jack, heres how you
can adjust the sensitivity if the damper effect is not applied
Since the half-damper pedal is highly sensitive, please
use the optional DS-1H. Other pedals may not produce
the appropriate effect, or may be impossible to calibrate
1 Connect a half-damper pedal to the DAMPER jack.
2 Select Half Damper Calibration to access the dialog
3 Press the half-damper pedal, and then release your foot
from the pedal.
4 Press the Done button.
If the adjustment could not be performed correctly, an
error message will be displayed. Please perform the pro-
cedure once again.
02: System Preference
02a: System Preference
Bank Map [KORG, GM(2)]
Species the mapping of programs and combinations rela-
tive to Bank Select control change messages (CC#0 upper
byte and CC#32 lower byte).
The bank select messages shown in the table below will be
received (R) and transmitted (T) for program banks INT-A
INT-F, G, g(1)...g(9), g(d), EXB-AEXB-G (INT-F is only for
the EXB-MOSS option) and Combination banks INT-AINT-
E, and EXB-AEXB-G.
Bank Bank Map: KORG Bank Map: GM(2)
INT-A 00. 00 R/T 63. 00 R/T
INT-B 00. 01 R/T 63. 01 R/T
INT-C 00. 02 R/T 63. 02 R/T
INT-D 00. 03 R/T 63. 03 R/T
INT-E 00. 04 R/T 63. 04 R/T
INT-F 00. 05 R/T 63. 05 R/T
121. 00, 121. 01...09 R/T 121. 00, 121. 01...09 R/T
56. 00 R 56. 00 R
00. 00, 00. 01...(XG) R
00. 00, 01. 00...(GS) R
g(d) 120. 00 R/T 120. 00 R/T
62. 00 R 62. 00 R
63. 127 R (Korg MUTE)
EXB-A 00. 08 R/T 63. 08 R/T
EXB-B 00. 09 R/T 63. 09 R/T
EXB-C 00. 10 R/T 63. 10 R/T
EXB-D 00. 11 R/T 63. 11 R/T
EXB-E 00. 12 R/T 63. 12 R/T
EXB-F 00. 13 R/T 63. 13 R/T
EXB-G 00. 14 R/T 63. 14 R/T