1 Introduction
Welcome to Kramer Electronics! Since 1981, Kramer Electronics has been
providing a world of unique, creative, and affordable solutions to the vast
range of problems that confront the video, audio, presentation, and
broadcasting professional on a daily basis. In recent years, we have redesigned
and upgraded most of our line, making the best even better! Our 1,000-plus
different models now appear in 11 groups
This user manual is intended for Site-CTRL™ and Web Access users. The
installation and configuration procedures are described in a different manual
that are clearly defined by
2 Site-CTRL
Kramer Site-CTRL is a powerful A/V assets management tool. It offers real-
time monitoring and control of Kramer Master controllers
installed in an A/V
site and the A/V equipment connected to them. The Kramer
Site-CTRL downloadable version can monitor and control up to 100 Kramer
Master controllers
Kramer Site-CTRL:
• Generates a single page summary of the entire installed A/V site
• Reports the communication status for each room
• Reports the status of the local display devices
• Reports the remaining lamp life for projectors
• Supports easy access to the built-in Web pages of Master controllers via
Web Access
• Raises alerts and sends e-mails when prompted by a user-defined special
1 GROUP 1: Distribution Amplifiers; GROUP 2: Switchers and Matrix Switchers; GROUP 3: Control Systems; GROUP 4:
Format/Standards Converters; GROUP 5: Range Extenders and Repeaters; GROUP 6: Specialty AV Products; GROUP 7:
Scan Converters and Scalers; GROUP 8: Cables and Connectors; GROUP 9: Room Connectivity; GROUP 10: Accessories
and Rack Adapters; GROUP 11: Sierra Products
2 Download up-to-date Kramer user manuals and guides from the Internet at this URL: http://www.kramerelectronics.com
3 For example, the Kramer SL-1, SL-10, SL-12, SV-551, SV-552 and WP-500 master controllers
4 A similar solution for larger installations is also available. Consult your local Kramer support team for details