B. Turn on the power switch (4) and the coffee/ ready switch (9) and let the water
flow for 20 seconds into a cup. Then turn the coffee switch off.
C. Allow the solution to soak in the machine for 15 minutes with the machine
in the on position.
D. Run the machine, via the (coffee/ ready switch 9) until almost all the water
has exited from the tank. Do not let the water tank (3) run dry. Turn off the
empty the water tank and replace with clean water.
~ Repeat above steps until the water appears clear from the group head. These
procedures are done without the coffee handle in place.
It is necessary to descale the machine every 4 to 6 months. Use a liquid descal-
ing product made for coffee machines or urns.
A. Fill the tank (3) and add the descaling product. Follow the manufacturers
recomendation for 36 oz. of water.
1. The appliance does not work and the switch lights do not illuminate.
~ The appliance is not plugged in/no current.
2. Coffee does not come out or exits slow.
~ There is no water in the tank, follow priming instructions.
~ The coffee is ground too fine or packed too tightly.
Clean filter basket by soaking overnight, hold up to light to check.
3. Coffee is not hot enough.
~ Run a few ounces of hot water through the group, the empty coffee handle
filter before adding coffee.
~ Allow the machine to reach proper temp. coffee/ ready switch (9) should be
illuminated. Place a large cup under the group. Turn on the coffee switch by
pressing down and allow water to flow freely into the cup. Do this for about
10 seconds then turn off.
4. The coffee comes out from the side of the filter holder (10)
~ The filter holder was not properly inserted or should be cleaned.
~ There is too much coffee in the filter.
~ The group gasket is worn out, machine should be serviced.
5. The machine does not produce "crema"
~ The filter holder must be serviced or the coffee was not ground fine enough.
6. The appliance does not deliver steam
~ Clean the holes of the nozzle (6).
~ Steam switch (12) should be on and coffee/ ready switch (9) should be
Warning: If problems cannot be corrected then please call us directly
Monday - Friday at 1-800-927-0277 for the name of a service center
in your area. You may also visit our website www.europeangift.com
for a list of repair facilities.