
7: Line and Tunnel Settings
PremierWave XC User Guide 55
Disconnect Mode
Specifies the optional conditions for disconnecting any Accept Mode or Connect Mode connection
that may be established. If any of these conditions are selected but do not occur and the network
disconnects to the device, a Connect Mode connection will attempt to reconnect. However, if
none of these conditions are selected, a closure from the network is taken as a disconnect.
Table 7-7 Tunnel Disconnect Mode Settings
Tunnel Disconnect Mode
Stop Character
Enter the Stop Character which, when received on the Serial Line, disconnects
the tunnel. The Stop Character may be designated as a single printable
character or as a control character. Control characters may be entered in any
of the following forms: <control>J or 0xA(hexadercimal) or \10 (decimal).
Disable the Stop Character by blanking the field to set it to <None>.
Modem Control
Set whether Modem Control enables disconnect when the Modem Control pin
is not asserted on the Serial Line. Choices are:
Disabled (default)
Enter the number of milliseconds a tunnel may be idle before disconnection.
The value of zero disables the idle timeout.
Flush Serial Data
Set whether to flush the Serial Line when the Tunnel is disconnected. Choices
Disabled (default)
To Configure Tunnel Disconnect Mode Settings
Using Web Manager
To configure the Disconnect Mode for a specific tunnel, click Tunnel in the menu bar and
select Tunnel 1 -> Disconnect Mode.
Using the CLI
To enter the Tunnel 1 Disconnect command level: enable -> tunnel 1 ->
Using XML
Include in your file: <configgroup name=”tunnel disconnect” instance=”1”>