
11: Maintenance and Diagnostics Settings
EDS-MD User Guide 69
Table 11-7 SMTP Network Stack Settings
To Configure SMTP Network Stack Settings
Using Web Manager
To configure SMTP protocol settings, click Protocol Stack in the menu and select SMTP.
Using the CLI
To enter the command level: enable -> config -> smtp
Using XML
Include in your file: <configgroup name=”smtp”>
Query Port
The query port (UDP port 0x77FE) is used for the automatic discovery of the device by the
DeviceInstaller utility. Only 0x77FE discover messages from DeviceInstaller are supported. For
more information on DeviceInstaller, see Chapter 4: Using DeviceInstaller on page 28.
Table 11-8 Query Port Settings
To Configure Query Port Settings
Using Web Manager
To view Query Port settings or to switch the Query Port Server on or off, click Query Port in
the menu.
Using the CLI
To enter the Query Port command level: enable -> config -> query port
Protocol Stack SMTP
Relay Address Address of all outbound email messages through a mail server. Can contain
either a hostname or an IP address.
Relay Port Port utilized for the delivery of outbound email messages.
Query Port Settings Description
Query Port Server Enables or disables listening and responding to query port
messages. Select On or Off.