
How to Use this Manual
1 How to Use this Manual
It is recommended to set-up the product while reading through this manual.
Path Main Menu: Manage...\Data stands for this working sequence:
From the Main Menu select Manage... and then select Data.
Screen CONFIGURE General Menu describes the name of the screen.
Page Screens can have more than one page. Units page describes a specific page of a
screen. For example: ’...in CONFIGURE Units & Formats, Units page...’
Fields and options Fields displayed on the screen are described as <Coord System:> or <Coord
System: Swiss>, if ’Swiss’ is the selected coordinate system.
XX The characters XX are used as place holders for screen names or multiple options
that are all covered by a general description of appearance or functionality.
Example 1: STAKEOUT XX Stakeout indicates that the explanation
provided is valid for the screens STAKEOUT Polar Stakeout
and STAKEOUT Orthogonal Stakeout.