
(to be done after venting system is installed)
The surround kit (purchased separately) comes with a
set of metal panels that enclose the fireplace opening
when fitted together. There is also a trim assembly that
frames the surround assembly to give it an attractive fin-
ished appearance. Put the surround assembly together
according to the following instructions.
1. Remove panels from package.
2. Open the hopper lid on Optima 3 INS so it is out of
the way for when panels are installed.
3. Install the control board onto the right side panel (with
door) using the TEK screw (#8 x Ā½ā€) provided.
4. Position the power cord so that it will be behind either
the right or left side surround panel when they are in-
5. Install right side surround panel onto right side of the
Optima 3 INS body by sliding the 2 flanges on side of
panel into corresponding slots on the Optima 3 INS.
6. Connect the wiring harness from the Optima 3 INS
into corresponding connector on control board.
Locate damper rod on left side of the Optima 3 INS. Ro-
tate angled arm of rod so it is pointing down. Remove
damper knob and set aside.
7. Install the left-hand panel onto the left side of Optima
3 INS body by sliding the 2 flanges on side of panel
into corresponding slots on the Optima 3 INS.
8. Reach behind left surround panel and rotate damper
arm so that end is inserted into the upper right hand
slot of left surround panel (see illustration on page 12,
Optima 3 INS).
9. Reinstall damper knob by threading it onto end of
damper rod.
10. Set the top surround panel in place over the two side
panels. Position the 2 tabs on bottom of top surround
panel so they slide into corresponding clips on the
Optima 3 INS. Connect the top surround panel to the
side panels by pressing pins from side panels into
corresponding holes on top panel.
11. Remove the surround trim from its packaging. As-
semble it together using the corner keys (ā€œLā€ shaped
brackets) provided. Slide assembled trim over the top
surround panel and slide it down over the side pan-
12. Push the Optima 3 INS back into place so the sur-
round is flush with the face of the hearth.