can be difficult to start. To replace the handlamp head, reverse the
procedure – ensuring that the handlamp head is screwed fully
7.4. Bulb replacement
With the handlamp head removed the bulb is accessed by unscre-
wing - in an anticlockwise direction - the bulb retention socket.
Please ensure that only correctly specified bulbs are used.
7.5. Battery replacement
When the battery power is becoming exhausted all of the batteries
should be replaced. Only those batteries of the corresponding per-
mitted types can be used.
With the handlamp head removed the batteries can be accessed
and removed from the cavity of the main casing.
Replace in reverse procedure – ensuring that all the contacts are
8. Repairs
The general terms and conditions of ELEX V apply to repair work.
The manufacturer must carry out the repair work in order to check
for the safe functioning of the protective circuits.
9. Cleaning
The equipment should only be cleaned using a cloth or sponge
dampened with water. The use of cleaning solutions or scouring
agents is not advised.
BAL H-4 DC A 4spr. DIN A 6 22.02.2002 11:07 Uhr Seite 15