
Dancer Communications, Inc.
LOG (Event and Data Recorder)
It is often desirable to track conditions (such as tank level or ambient air temperature) over extended periods of
time. The Messenger 570 system provides this ability by recording and maintaining a history of input and output
conditions, information that provides valuable insight into the operation of a process, equipment, or facility. This
information can be readily accessed through the RS-232 port or via telephone.
Help with the LOG command
Type LOG at the command prompt and the Messenger 570 system will return a list of valid data logging and
trending commands and related instructions.
=== =========
LOG O Data log Download Operations
LOG S Set/Check Data Log Settings
Download Logged Data
To download data from the Messenger 570 system, type LOG O. The information can be downloaded in a
variety of data formats.
======= ==========
1 = Download uncompressed periodic log in ASCII.
2 = Download uncompressed periodic log using X-modem.
3 = Download compressed periodic log using X-modem.
4 = Display data log configuration.
0 = Previous Menu
Choose a Number>
Download Uncompressed ASCII
Information downloaded in this format can be read directly on the screen. The uncompressed ASCII log
download option causes the Messenger 570 system to display the contents of data logger memory in
uncompressed log format. This data can be captured by a terminal program and saved in a text file.
When the data log is transferred, the oldest records are transmitted first and the most recent is last.
Download Uncompressed X-Modem
Most terminal emulation program - including HyperTerminal and ProComm - include the ability to transfer
information as a file using X-Modem protocol. Its advantage is its immunity to line noise and built-in error
correction. The resulting file is stored on your PC and can be used without further processing. Information
downloaded in this format can be imported directly into many programs such as Excel or Lotus.