Parameter Descriptions
MPX 550
HighSlope and LowSlope (-16 to +15)
Determine the shape of the reverb envelope for low
frequencies. HighSlope and LowSlope are found only in
the Gate/Inv programs. When LowSlope is set to 0, the
level of low reverb remains unchanged over its duration,
then cuts off abruptly. Setting LowSlope above 0 causes
the level of low-frequency reverb to rise smoothly from
soft to loud until the sound is cut off. The greater the
slope, the softer the initial reverberation and the more
pronounced its rise. When set to a negative value, the
low-frequency reverb drops to a quieter level before
cutoff. HighSlope is similar to LowSlope, but applies to
middle and high frequencies.
Horn Dep (0 to 100%)
In Rotary programs, determines the amount of
modulation produced by the horn.
Horn Res (-100 to +100%)
In Rotary programs, determines the amount of
resonance, i.e. signal fed back into the effect.
Intrvl (Varies)
Controls the amount of pitch-shift applied. Intrvl values
are in semi-tones. Pch values are in Cents (1/100th of a
semi-tone). These values are additive.
L Dly 1, 2, 3 (0ms to 5.060sec)
Sets the delay time of left voice 1, 2, or 3. The Dly/Eko
effect has three independent voices on each side.
Level (0 to 100%)
Determines the amount of wet signal present in the
output. It functions similar to Mix, except it affects the
wet component only. Level is generally used to balance
the overall output of two or more programs when Mix is
set to wet.
LowSlope and HighSlope (-16 to +15)
See HighSlope and LowSlope.