sending faxes, tips 41
number of rings 40
setting up fax
country‑ or region‑specific 36
digital telephone service 35
DSL connection 34
standard telephone line connection 32
VoIP connection 34
setting up printer 6
setup troubleshooting
cannot print through USB 52
incorrect language appears on display 50
installation screen did not appear
automatically 50
page does not print 51
printer does not respond 52
printer printing blank pages 52
recovering security PIN 51
software did not install 51
creating 48
deleting 48
modifying 48
shortcuts 48
using shortcuts on printer 49
shortcuts page
launching 48
software did not install 51
Speed Dial list 40
supported memory cards and file types 15
supported operating systems 19
supported printers 25
telecommunication notices 60
tips for
copying 26
e‑mailing 31
receiving faxes 41
scanning 28
sending faxes 41
Transmit Terminal Identification (TTI)
setting 39
checking an unresponsive printer 50
contacting customer support 50
fax checklist 53
solving basic printer problems 50
wireless network 55
troubleshooting, fax
cannot receive faxes 54
cannot run fax software 55
cannot send faxes 53
troubleshooting, network
cannot print to network printer 59
printer to be configured does not appear in list
of printers found on network 59
troubleshooting, print
cannot delete documents from print queue 52
troubleshooting, setup
cannot print through USB 52
incorrect language appears on display 50
installation screen did not appear
automatically 50
page does not print 51
printer does not respond 52
printer printing blank pages 52
recovering security PIN 51
software did not install 51
troubleshooting, wireless
cannot print over wireless network 56
copying, automatic 26
two‑sided printing
supported paper sizes and paper types 23
USB port
location 13
Wireless Setup Utility 44
voice mail
setting up 32
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)
fax setup 34
VoIP adapter 34
Web Links
accessing 20
Web site
finding 5
Windows software
Abbyy Sprint OCR 20
Phone Book 20
Printer Home 20
Printer Setup Utility 20
Printing Preferences 20
Product Update 20
Status Messenger 20
Status Monitor Center 20
Tools for Office 20
Wireless Setup Utility 20
wireless network
information you will need for setting up
wireless printing 43
troubleshooting 55
wireless setup
information needed for 43
Wireless Setup Assistant
launching 44
Wireless Setup Assistant (Macintosh only)
installing 44
Wireless Setup Assistant (Macintosh)
using 44
Wireless Setup Utility
launching 44
Wireless Setup Utility (Windows only)
installing 43
Wireless Setup Utility (Windows)
using 43
wireless troubleshooting
cannot print over wireless network 56
Wi‑Fi Protected Setup
configuring manually 44
using 44
Wi‑Fi Protected Setup logo
identifying 44
Index 63