Appendix 2 Flag List
Relay Function Description
F0040 to F005F I/O error
When the reserved I/O module (set by the parameter) differs
from the real loaded I/O module or a I/O module has been
mounted or dismounted, the corresponding bit turns on.
F0060 to F006F Storing error code Stores the system error code, (See Section 2.9)
F0070 to F008F Unused
F0090 20-ms cycle clock
F0091 100-ms cycle clock
F0092 200-ms cycle clock
F0093 1-sec cycle clock
F0094 2-sec cycle clock
F0095 10-sec cycle clock
F0096 20-sec cycle clock
F0097 60-sec cycle clock
Turning On/Off is repeated with a constant cycle.
F0098 to F009F Unused
F0100 User clock 0
F0101 User clock 1
F0102 User clock 2
F0103 User clock 3
F0104 User clock 4
F0105 User clock 5
F0106 User clock 6
F0107 User clock 7
Turning On/Off is repeated as many times as the scan specified
by Duty instruction.
F0108 to F010F Unused
F0110 Operation error flag Turns on when an operation error has occurred.
F0111 Zero flag Turns on when the operation result is “0”.
F0112 Carry flag Turns on when a carry occurs due to the operation.
F0113 All outputs off Turns on when an output instruction is executed.
F0115 Operation error flag (Latch) Turns on when an operation error has occurred.(Latch)
F0116 Overflow error flag Turns on when overflow has occurred.
F0117 to F011F Unused
F0120 LT flag Turns on if S
< S
when using the CMP instruction.
F0121 LTE flag
Turns on if S
≤ S
when using the CMP instruction.
F0122 EQU flag Turns on if S
= S
when using the CMP instruction.
F0123 GT flag Turns on if S
> S
when using the CMP instruction.
F0124 GTE flag
Turns on if S
≥ S
when using the CMP instruction.
F0125 NEQ flag
Turns on if S
≠ S
when using the CMP instruction.
F0126 to F013F Unused
F0140 to F014F FALS No. The error code generated by FALS instruction is stored to this
F0150 to F016F Unused
F0170 to F173 HSC output bit Turn on when the current value of HSC reaches setting value
F0180 to F183 Carry flag for HSC Turn on when carry is occurred on the HSC current value
DUTY F010x N1 N2
N2 scan Of
N1 scan Of