Use the Installer Menu to set up or change operational settings.
See more detailed descriptions of the Installer Menu items on the pages that follow.
Accessing the Installer Menu
Make sure the TV is ON. Using an Installer Remote, press MENU repeatedly until
the on-screen menu locks up, and then press 9-8-7-6 + ENTER to access the
Installer Menu. To exit the Installer Menu, press ENTER again. Any changes you
make will be stored in non-volatile memory.
The Installer Menu opens with item 000 INSTALLE
R SEQ 000. Use the Up/Down
arrow keys to sequence through the available menu items, or access an item
directly by keying in the line number and then pressing MENU. For example, to
access the SLEEP TIMER option, which is item 015, press 0-1-5 + MENU. To
change a setting, use the Left/Right arrow keys, or enter a value directly.
Using the Installer Menu
Items 000 ~ 118 are immediately accessible only upon entering the Installer
Menu. Refer to the table below as well as the following pages for item numbers,
descriptions, ranges, factory default settings, and a place for listing any changes
made on-site. Installer Menu items not relevant to this TV series are not present
on the Installer Menu; therefore, some numbers are missing. For example, items
006, 012, 013, etc. will not appear.
Installer Menu
Installer Menu Items 000 through 030
Typical TV Installer Menu
Note: The Installer Menu header will vary
depending on the TV you are setting up.
UPN 000-000-000-000 FPGA E0F1
PTC V1.00.000 CPU V3.06.00
Menu Item
Function Value Range Default Value Brief Description of Function and Comments
000 INSTALLER SEQ 0 ~ 3 0 Leave default set to 0.
001 POWER MANAGE 0 ~ 7 0 Sets number of hours of no activity before automatic shutoff.
002 AC ON 0 / 1 0 Set to 1 to enable Auto Turn On at power up.
003 BAND/AFC 0 ~ 3 1 Selects Tuning Band: 0=Broadcast, 1=CATV, 2=HRC, 3=IRC
004 STRT CHANNEL 0 ~ 127, 255 255 Channel at turn-on. (Set to 255 to tune in last channel before power Off.)
005 CHAN LOCK 0 / 1 0 If set to 1, cannot tune from current channel.
007 STRT VOLUME 0 ~ 63, 255 255 Sets volume level at TV turn-on. (Set to 255 to retain last volume level.)
008 MIN VOLUME 0 ~ 63 0 Sets minimum allowable volume setting.
009 MAX VOLUME 0 ~ 63 63 Sets maximum allowable volume setting.
010 MUTE DISABLE 0 / 1 0 Set to 1 to disable Mute Function.
011 KEY DEFEAT 0 / 1 0 Set to 1 to disable menu navigation keys on display panel.
015 SLEEP TIMER 0 / 1 1 Set to 1 to enable Sleep Timer.
016 EN TIMER 0 / 1 0 Set to 1 to enable On/Off Timers.
017 ALARM 0 / 1 1 Set to 1 to enable Alarm.
021 V-CHIP 0 / 1 1 Set to 1 to enable V-Chip (Parental Control) functions.
022 MAX BLK HRS 0 ~ 99 12 Sets number of V-Chip blocking hours.
023 CAPTION LOCK 0 / 1 0 Set to 1 to retain caption setting at power off.
028 CH. OVERIDE 0 / 1 1 If set to 0, limits direct access to favorite channels.
029 OLD OCV 0 / 1 0 Set to 1 to change MPI operation to OCV.
030 ACK MASK 0 / 1 0 If set to 1, changes MPI for some OCV boxes.