. LG Network Storage Web Menu Use (for LG Network Storage administrators)
C. Initiator Installation on a Mac
Install the globalsan iSCSI initiator. This can be downloaded from the “studio
network solutions” homepage.
☞ Website
[Server Synchronization]
On the webpage, click “Enable” and then click “Apply”. Once the iSCSI is
activated, certain functions such as web burning will be limited.
[iSCSI Connection]
A. Connection on a Windows PC
① Activate the iSCSI initiator.
For Windows Vista, go to “Control panel → iSCSI Initiator” and activate the
Initiator. For Windows XP, go to the Start menu and select iSCSI Initiator from
the program list.
If a mandatory certification (CHAP) procedure has been set up in the web
setting, enter the required information under the General tab by pressing the
Secret button.