Cloning Procedures (Cont.)
(Continued from previous page)
Learning status will be shown in a pop-up progress banner at the bottom of the Learn From
STB (TLX) screen. This process may take a few minutes. Do NOT remove the USB device
until Learning is complete. When the Learning process is complete, a “Saving completed”
message is displayed.
9. Press OK to return to the Learn From STB (TLX) screen. To return to the STB Manager / USB
Download Menu, press on the Installer Remote or select BACK from the Learn From STB
(TLX) screen. To return to program viewing, select CANCEL.
10. Remove the USB memory device from the Master STB.
Note: If the Master STB has a channel lineup, during Learning, logical channel
numbers are automatically assigned in ascending order, starting with 0 (zero), to the
physical RF channels of the STB channel lineup to create an FTG Channel Map. See
also note below.
Note: If the newly Learned TLX file is to be used for FTG Mode via CPU configuration
(i.e., it contains an FTG Channel Map), it is highly recommended that you open the file
in the FTG File Manager—BEFORE transferring (Teaching) the file to any Target
STBs—to verify FTG Channel Map and FTG Installer Menu settings and enable
decryption by marking Pro:Idiom encrypted channels. This will also enable you to
confirm channels and add channel attributes, labels, etc.
Teaching Configuration to a Target STB
be created either from a Master STB Setup that was saved (Learned) from a Master STB or in the
FTG File Manager.
Before You Begin
• Ensure the USB device has been formatted with FAT format.
• If the EZ-Manager Wizard appears on the screen when you turn ON the Target STB/display
• You may also use the Ez Download utility to complete the Teaching process. See “Ez Download
Utility” on pages 25 to 28 for further information.
• If the Target STB is currently in Pass-through Mode and you intend to use the STB’s Zoning
prole(s)withTVZoneand/orWi-FiZoneassignments—make sure to assign the appropriate
TV Zone # and/or Wi-Fi Zone # in the STB when directed to do so in the procedure below. See
Reference section, “Using the STB’s Zoning Features,” for further information.
• If you would like the Target STB(s) to remain in Pass-through Mode after Teaching, ensure the
TLX ledoesnotcontainanFTGChannelMap;otherwise,TeachingwillresultintheTarget
(Continued on next page)