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How to Choose an Aerobic
Training Method
Interval Striding Compared to Running
Interval striding has many features that make it superior to running for
most individuals. Compared to running, interval striding is much less
stressful on the bones and joints. This reduced stress is enhanced
through the Lifestride trainer's flexible striding surface. When you run
(whether on a treadmill or outside) you leave the ground with every stride
and land with three to four times your body weight. With interval striding,
one foot is always in contact with the ground, so you land with only one
to one and a half times your body weight.
How hard you work out during your Lifestride exercise sessions depends
on your fitness goals and physical condition. If you don't enjoy your
workouts, you won't continue. Basically, you should design workouts
you can live with.
This section describes an aerobic training method that is available on
the Lifestride aerobic trainer
interval striding.
Interval striding combines the best features
of walking and interval training. Like
walking, interval striding is a natural,
comfortable motion which is easy for
virtually everyone to master. By combining
walking with progressive hills, interval
striding allows you to achieve the important
benefits of interval training. Previous
research studies on the progressive Hill Profile have shown that it is
superior to steady-paced training for improving aerobic capacity.
By adding incline to striding, you partially lift your own weight with each
stride. This is great for shaping and toning the major muscle groups of
the legs and buttocks. This is the same physiology that has made stair-
climbing and step aerobics so popular.
Figure 6: Interval Striding Versus Jogging. Caloric Expenditure
Minutes to Burn 300 Calories (K cal)
By An AverajJe-Sized (68 kilogram) Individual
Interval Striding Versus Jogging
54 min