
5.3 U
USER STATISTICS Mode displays accumulated statistics of up to seven
different users.
Select User Use SELECT ARROW keys to select 1 of 7 users.
MY WORKOUTS 1-7 My Workouts X Press ENTER to access accumulated statistics of the
selected user.
MILES XXXX.XX Total accumulated distance - displayed in miles, and
percentage of miles.
CALS XXXXXXX Total accumulated workout calories.
TIME XXXX:XX Total accumulated workout time - displayed in
hours: minutes.
MY CONFIGURATION Mode allows 13 settings to be adjusted and saved
ENGLISH/METRIC UNITS ENGLISH The measurement unit type for weight, distance, and
CUSTOM WORKOUT ENTRY N/A See Programming Custom Workouts in this Section.
MAXIMUM SPEED 12.0 (MPH) This is the fastest speed at which the treadmill can operate.
PAUSE TIMEOUT 5 (minute) This is the maximum time during which a workout can
remain in pause mode.
WATTS DISPLAY OFF (Int'l: ON) If this option is enabled, the MESSAGE CENTER displays
the Watts equivalent of the step rate.
METS DISPLAY OFF If this option is enabled, the MESSAGE CENTER displays
the METs equivalent of the step rate.
PACE DISPLAY ON This feature displays the rate of minutes per mile.
CALORIE PER HOUR DISPLAY ON (Int'l: OFF) If this option is enabled, the MESSAGE CENTER displays
the number of calories burned per hour during the workout.
DISTANCE CLIMBED DISPLAY OFF The total distance climbed, based on the incline and speed
of the treadmill.
ERASE CUSTOM WORKOUTS N/A This option erases all custom workouts in a single step.
MAXIMUM INCLINE 15.0 This option changes the maximum incline grade to a value
lower than 15 percent.
START MESSAGE SETUP N/A See “Using the START MESSAGE Setup” in this section.
SYSTEM BEEPS ON Enable/Disable System Beeps outside of diagnostics
(system beeps within diagnostics cannot be disabled)
SOFTWARE VERSION NUMBERS Mode shows software version for console and motor
CONSOLE VER: XX.X Displays software version for the console board.
MOTOR VER: XX.X Displays software version for the motor controller board.