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De nition of Cadence
How rapidly the cranks are rotated or the rhythm of the ped-
al stroke; o en referred to as RPM (revolutions per minute).
Concepts using Cadence for training
You can choose the goal of your workout in relation to
Resistance, Cadence, and Heart Rate . e intensity of your
workout is a ected by pedal speed change and the resistance
applied. is is quanti ed as RPE - Relative Perceived Ex-
Resistance Cadence Heart Rate RPE Feeling
Light RPM 50-70 35%-50% MHR 1-2 Very easy
Light RPM 70-90 50%-60% MHR 3-4 Easy
Light RPM 90-100 60%-70% MHR 5 Steady;
Light RPM 100-135 70%-85% MHR 6+ Challenging
Moderate RPM 50-70 55%-65% MHR 4-5 Somewhat
Moderate RPM 70-90 65%-75% MHR 5-6 Challenging,
Moderate RPM 90-100 75%-85% MHR 6-7 Hard!
Moderate RPM 100+ 85%-100% MHR 7-10 Very hard;
Heavy RPM 50-60 70%-80% MHR 6-7 Hard; talking
is hard
Heavy RPM 60-70 80%-85% MHR 7-8 Very hard;
Heavy RPM 70-80 85%-90% MHR 8-9 Very Hard!!
Heavy RPM 80+ 90%-100% MHR 9-10 Maximal