During the setup for each of these workouts, the treadmill computer calculates a target heart rate* based on age
and the workout type. The MESSAGE CENTER displays this target rate and prompts the user to accept or change
it. The workout program uses this value as the upper heart rate within the target zone. The computer then
calculates the lower value of the zone, based, again, on the selected program. The user wears a chest strap
throughout the workout, enabling the computer to track the length of time spent in the target zone. If the heart rate
goes above the theoretical maximum
for more then 45 seconds, the treadmill automatically goes into pause mode.
Zone Training + workouts include: FAT BURN, CARDIO, HEART RATE HILL, HEART RATE INTERVAL, and
This workout is designed to maintain a recommended target heart rate at 65 percent of the theoretical maximum for
optimal results. Throughout the workout, the user wears a chest strap. The console continuously monitors and
displays the heart rate, adjusting the intensity level of the treadmill to reach and maintain the target. This system
eliminates over- and under-training, and it maximizes the aerobic benefits of exercise by using the body’s fat stores
for fuel.
This is a higher-intensity workout for more fit users, emphasizing cardiovascular benefits and maximum fat burning.
It is virtually identical to FAT BURN, except that the recommended target heart rate is calculated at 80% of a
theoretical maximum to place a heavier workload on the heart muscle.
NOTE: Change the target heart rate at any time during a workout by using the ARROW keys.
This program combines the standard HILL workout profile with a Heart Rate Zone Training workout. It consists of
three hills that target three heart rate goals: The first hill brings the heart rate to 90 percent of the target rate. The
second hill increases the rate to 95 percent. The third hill matches the target heart rate. The valley always is
defined as 85 percent of the target.
After a standard three-minute warm-up, the workout progresses toward the first hill and heart rate goal. Once the
user reaches 90 percent of the target heart rate, the hill continues for one minute. Then, the goal switches to 85
percent of the target heart rate. When the user’s heart rate falls to that goal, the valley continues for one minute.
Then, the goal switches to 95 percent of the target heart rate. When the user reaches that goal, the hill continues
for one minute. As the chart at the top of the following page illustrates, this pattern continues for all three hills. After
the user completes the third hill/valley pair, the program returns to the first hill and heart rate goal, and the
sequence repeats as long as the duration allows. The user’s fitness level determines the number of hills and valleys
encountered. At the end of the duration, the workout goes into a cool-down phase.
If the user does not reach a heart rate goal after five minutes, the MESSAGE CENTER displays a prompt to
increase or decrease speed, depending on whether the workout is in a hill or valley phase. The program does not
proceed to a new heart rate goal until the user reaches the current goal.
Defined by the American College of Sports Medicine’s "Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription" as being
equal to 220 minus an individual’s age.
* Target Heart Rate (THR) is a percentage of the theoretical maximum. For example, a 40-year-old user's
recommended THR for the FAT BURN workout is 117. The FAT BURN workout targets 65 percent of the
maximum, so the equation would be (220-40)*.65=117.