Consult all local building codes, as well as city and county ordinances, to ensure that the construction of the
Outdoor Shed does not require a building permit. Proper building permit documentation may be required in
your neighborhood, and it would be unfortunate to learn this after constructing the Shed.
Surface must be leveled before installation. We recommend building a level work space with a concrete
or patio style surface. If the surface is not properly leveled, the Outdoor Shed will not assemble correctly.
Proper surface leveling will save you time in the long run, so please do not ignore this step.
Level Surface Notice:
Building Code Notice:
screwdriver. However, be aware that the plastic pieces of your Shed can be damaged by overtightening of
screws. To avoid damage we strongly recommend the use of a low-powered power screwdriver or a drill that
has an adjustable clutch that is set on a low torque setting. If neither is available, use a hand screwdriver. In
any case use caution to avoid overtightening the screws.
Screwdriver Notice:
Sharp objects may damage your fl oor. If resting sharp, heavy objects on your Shed fl oor, place a block of
wood between the sharp object and fl oor.
Floor Puncture Notice:
If more than six (6) inches of snow accumulate on the roof of the shed, carefully remove the snow to avoid
possible roof collapse. While standing on the ground, remove the snow from the roof with a broom or snow
shovel. Do not stand on the roof to remove snow.
Snow Load Kit available from Customer Service for high snow areas.