
Impinger I -–1000 Series Service Manual - International 34
Speed Adjustment
This is a 0 to 5 K ohm, 10 turn potentiometer. With
power off, remove the red, black and white pot
leads from the motor control board at terminals
P1,P2, and P3. With a digital multimeter, check the
ohm reading across the red lead (P3) to the black
lead (P1). This reading should be 5 K ohms ± 5%
as the pot is rotated from low to high. Place the
meter leads on the red lead (P3) and on the white
lead (P2). Rotating the pot. slowly, from low to high,
the meter reading should show an even transition
from 0 to 5 K ohms ± 5%. There should be no dead
or open spots through out the 10 turns of the pot.
Check all three leads to ground. There should be
no continuity to ground. If any of the above checks
fail, replace the pot.
DC Motor Control Board Check for 120 VAC input to the control board at
terminals L1 and L2. If not present, check the
conveyor switch and wiring back to 3 amp fuse and
then back to power source if necessary. If 120 VAC
is present at L1 and L2, check the VDC output at
terminals A+ and A-. If a DC voltage is not present,
check the 4 amp and the 1 amp fuses on the
control board. If 120 VAC is present at terminals L1
and L2, but DC voltage is not present at A+ and A-,
providing the 1 amp and 4 amp fuses are good,
replace the board. If DC voltage is present at A+
and A-, but motor does not run, check gear motor
as follows.
Conveyor Gear Motor If DC voltage is present at A+ and A- and the motor
does not run, first check the mini breaker and then
the conveyor. Refer to the next possible cause.
Check the leads to the motor for evidence of any
shorts or opens, and each lead to ground. If the
motor fails the above tests, replace motor. Remove
dust cover from the top of the motor and rotate
motor shaft to determine if there is a locked rotor or
a locked gear box (use care so encoder disc is not
Conveyor Check for any mechanical miss-alignment or
improper adjustment. Also check for worn bearings.
The Installation and Operations Manual shows
proper conveyor belt adjustment. A conveyor belt
that is over tightened will cause excessive bearing
wear and sometimes, irregular speed.
Conveyor speed
varying or intermittent
Power Supply Check power supply at the DC control board for the
120 VAC at board terminals L1 and L2. If voltage is
not present, check main circuit breakers.