Thermostats protect the machine from excessive
operating temperatures. Excessive temperatures may
be caused by a lack of cooling air or operating the
machine beyond the duty cycle and output rating. If
excessive operating temperature should occur, the
thermostat will disable the machine output. The meter
will remain energized during this time. Thermostats
are self-resetting once the machine cools sufficiently.
If the thermostat shutdown was caused by excessive
output or duty cycle and the fan is operating normally,
the Power Switch may be left on and the reset should
occur within a 15 minute period.
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Clean interior of machine with a low pressure air
stream. Make a thorough inspection of all compo-
nents. Look for signs of overheating, broken leads or
other obvious problems. Many problems can be
uncovered with a good visual inspection.
1. Every 6 months or so the machine should be
cleaned with a low pressure airstream. Keeping
the machine clean will result in cooler operation
and higher reliability. Be sure to clean these areas:
• All printed circuit boards
• Power switch
• Main transformer
• Heatsink Fins
• Input rectifier
• Auxiliary Transformer
• Reconnect Switch Area
• Fan (Blow air through the rear louvers)
2. Examine the sheet metal case for dents or breakage.
Repair the case as required. Keep the case in good con-
dition to insure that high voltage parts are protected and
correct spacings are maintained. All external sheet
metal screws must be in place to insure case strength
and electrical ground continuity.