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The air begins to flow, the “OUTPUT ON” LED lights 1. Check the torch consumables to be sure they
for a brief period, but no arc is established. are in tight, not dirty or greasy, and in good
shape. Replace the consumables if necessary.
2. Check that CR2 engages.
3. Blow off the components in the upper compart-
ment with compressed air.
4. Check pilot to 391 for 1.5 ohm resistance.
5. Check both 3 ohm 300 watt resistors.
6. Replace Control PC board.
The arc starts but sputters badly. 1. Check the torch consumables to be sure they
are tight, not dirty or greasy and in good shape.
Replace if necessary.
2. Check air supply for oil or a great deal of water.
If there is oil or a great deal of water, the air
must be filtered or the machine switched to
nitrogen or bottled air.
3. Check air pressure. It should be set to 60 psi
(414 kPa) while air is flowing.
The “THERMAL” LED is lit. The “MALFUNCTION” 1. The machine is overheated. Allow it to cool and
LED is blinking. reset. The air intakes of the machine must not
be blocked, or this will become a nuisance.
Machine will cool much faster if left on with
output off.
The “MALFUNCTION” LED is blinking two short 1. The torch connected to the machine is not
flashes in close succession followed by a one second off connected properly or has been damaged.
period. Check all connections and look for sign of
damage to the assembly.
2. The connected torch is not designed for use
with this machine, see Specifications Summary
for listing of valid torches for this machine.