Tables B.2 and B.3 list initial settings guidelines for
pulse welding with the MIG PULSER for Stainless
Steel and Mild Steel. These settings are intended as
suggestions only. The serviceability of a product or
structure utilizing this type of information is and must
be the sole responsibility of the builder/user. Many
variables beyond the control of The Lincoln Electric
Company affect the results obtained in applying this
type of information. These variables include, but are
not limited to, welding procedure, plate chemistry and
temperature, weldment design, fabrication methods
and service requirements.
These settings were developed for joints in the flat or
horizontal position. Out-of-position work will require
adjustments to these procedures.
To tighten or stiffen the arc, try decreasing the Peak
setting. To widen or soften the arc, try increasing the
Peak setting.
Wire Feed Speed Peak Bkgnd
Arc Length
Peak Bkgnd
Arc Length
135 IPM Low Norm 2 -- -- --
150 Low Norm 3.5 Med Norm 4.5
200 Low Norm 5 Hi Norm 5.5
250 Med Norm 5.5 Hi Norm 6.5
300 Med Norm 6 Hi Norm 7
350 Med Norm 6.5 Hi Norm 7.5
400 Med Norm 7 Hi Norm 7.7
450 Med-Hi Norm 7.5 Hi Norm 8
500 Med-Hi Norm 8 Hi Norm 8.1
550 Med-Hi Norm 8.5 -- -- --
600 Med-Hi Norm 9 -- -- --
650 Med-Hi Norm 9.5 -- -- --
.035 E308LSi 98/2 Ar/O
.045 E308LSi 98/2 Ar/O
Table B.2 Procedure Guidelines for Stainless Steel
Table B.3 Procedure Guidelines for Mild Steel
Wire Feed Speed Peak Bkgnd
Arc Length
Peak Bkgnd
Arc Length
100 IPM -- -- -- Low Norm 5.1
125 -- -- -- -- -- --
150 Low Norm 4.5 Med Norm 6.2
200 Low Norm 5.5 Med Norm 7
250 Low Norm 6 Med Norm 7.5
300 Low Norm 6.4 Med Norm 8
350 Low Norm 7 Med Norm 8.5
400 Low Norm 7.5 Med Norm 9
450 Low Norm 8.1 Med Norm 9.5
500 Med Norm 8.2 -- -- --
550 Med Norm 8.4 -- -- --
600 Med Norm 8.5 -- -- --
650 Med Norm 9 -- -- --
700 Med Norm 9.5 -- -- --
.035 L-56 90/10 Ar/CO
.045 L-56 90/10 Ar/CO