The best arc performance occurs when the
PowerWave AC/DC has accurate data about the arc
conditions. Depending upon the process, inductance
within the electrode and work lead cables can influ-
ence the voltage apparent at the studs of the welder.
Voltage sense leads improve the accuracy of the arc
conditions and can have a dramatic effect on perfor-
mance. Sense Lead Kits (K490-series) are available
for this purpose.
If the voltage sensing is enabled but the sense
leads are missing, improperly connected, or if the
electrode polarity switch is improperly configured
extremely high welding outputs may occur.
In extremely sensitive applications requiring volt-
age sense leads, it may be necessary to route the
control cable (67 lead) and the work voltage sense
lead (21 lead) away from the electrode and work
welding cables. For more information regarding
the placement of voltage sense leads, see the sec-
tion entitled "Welding with Multiple Independent
Power Waves."
The ELECTRODE sense lead (67) is built into the
K1795 control cable. The WORK sense lead (21) con-
nects to the Power Wave at the four-pin connector
located underneath the output stud cover.
Enable the voltage sense leads as follows:
Process Electrode Voltage Work Voltage
Sensing 67 lead * Sensing 21 lead
GMAW 67 lead required 21 lead optional**
67 lead required 21 lead optional**
FCAW 67 lead required 21 lead optional**
Voltage sense at studs Voltage sense at studs
SAW 67 lead required 21 lead optional
* The electrode voltage 67 sense lead is part of the
control cable to the wire feeder.
** For consistent weld quality, work voltage sensing is
Work Voltage Sensing
The Power Waves are shipped from the factory
with the work sense lead disabled.
To use work voltage sensing, connect the (21) work
voltage sense lead from the Power Wave to the work.
Attach the sense lead to the work as close to the weld
as practical. Enable the work voltage sensing in the
Power Wave as follows:
• Do not touch electrically live parts
or electrodes with your skin or wet
• Insulate yourself from the work and
• Always wear dry insulating gloves.
1. Turn off power to the power source at the discon-
nect switch.
2. Remove the front cover from the power source.
3. The control board is on the left side of
the power source. Locate the 8-position
DIP switch and look for switch 8 of the
DIP switch.
4. Using a pencil or other small object,
slide the switch to the OFF position if
the work sense lead is NOT connected.
Conversely, slide the switch to the ON
position if the work sense lead is pre-
5. Replace the cover and screws. The PC board will
(read) the switch at power up, and configure the
work voltage sense lead appropriately.
Electrode Voltage Sensing
Enabling or disabling electrode voltage sensing is
automatically configured through software. The 67
electrode sense lead is internal to the cable to the
wire feeder and always connected when a wire feeder
is present.