Once “Weld Mode Search” is displayed, pressing the
right pushbutton labeled “Begin” will start the search
During the search process, pressing the right pushbut-
ton typically acts as a “next” button and the left push-
button typically acts as a “back” button.
Rotate the control knob then press the right pushbut-
ton to select relevant welding details such as welding
process, wire type, wire size, etc.
When the final selection is made, the PF10MTM will
automatically change to the weld mode found by the
Weld Mode Search process.
Earlier products may not have this feature. To acti-
vate this feature, a software update may be needed
from www.powerwavesoftware.com
If the selected weld mode uses any of the four available
wave controls, users can press the left MSP4 pushbutton
until the ARC CONTROL LED is illuminated. The value,
name and units (if applicable) of the available wave con-
trols will appear. Note that the name of the control is
derived from the weld table and may not necessarily
appear as "Wave Control". Repeated pressing of the left
MSP4 pushbutton will cycle through all active wave con-
trols and then the weld mode. Turning the MSP4 encoder
will change the value of the displayed wave control.
Weld sequencing attributes are grouped into two cate-
OPTIONS may include Preflow Time, Run-in Wire Feed
Speed, and Start Time. END OPTIONS may include
Spot Timer, Crater Time, Burnback Time and Postflow
Time. The attributes that appear in the START and END
OPTIONS are weld mode dependent. For example, if a
TIG weld mode is selected, Run-in WFS will not appear
since it is not relevant to the selected process. Repeated
pressing of the right MSP4 pushbutton will cycle through
all relevant START and END OPTIONS. Turning the
MSP4 encoder will change the value of the selected
When the Start Time attribute is set to a value other than
OFF, the START OPTIONS LED will blink synchronous
with the WFS and VOLTS/TRIM LED’s on the dual-dis-
play panel. This blinking is used to indicate that start wire
feed speed and voltage/trim can now be set to values dif-
ferent from those used while welding.
The MSP4 can be optionally configured to limit the
operator’s range of control of any weld parameter
(weld WFS, arc control, etc.). Limits are only available
with the Dual Procedure/Memory Panel.
The MSP4 can be used to configure and troubleshoot
the machine.
To access the Machine Setup menu, press both
MSP4 push buttons simultaneously. The MSP4 7-seg-
ment display will display the first user preference,
"P.0", and the SETUP LED will illuminate.
• Pressing the left MSP4 pushbutton will exit the
entire Machine Setup menu while in the P.0 user
• Turning the MSP4 encoder knob will select other
available User Preferences.
• To exit the User Preference Menu, either rotate the
MSP4 encoder until P.0 is displayed and press the
left MSP4 pushbutton or press both MSP4 push but-
simultaneously at any time.
Similarly, if the Crater Time attribute is set to a value
other than OFF, the END OPTIONS LED will blink syn-
chronously with the dual-display LED’s, indicating that
crater wire feed speed and voltage/trim now can be set
to values different from those used while welding.
The MSP4 interface includes an infrared transceiver.
This allows wireless machine configuration using a Palm
OS based hand held computer. A proprietary Palm OS
application, ALPalm, was developed for this purpose.
(Contact Lincoln Electric for more information on this fea-
The MSP4 can be optionally configured to prevent the
welder from changing selected MSP4 options. By default,
the welder will be able to change the weld mode, all rele-
vant wave controls and all relevant start and end options.