To ensure proper smoke pickup and gun life, the
intake ports and end of extension guide must be kept
free of spatter. A piece of wire is recommended to
keep intake ports and I.D. of extension guide free of
spatter and smoke buildup.
The following cleaning schedule is recommended:
Clean intake ports and
I.D. of extension guide
with wire. Remove spat-
ter from bottom of exten-
sion guide.
With vacuum off, remove
extension guide and clean
I.D. of housing and clean
nozzle spacer.
Break loose any particles
built up at bend or clamp
in intake housing with a
piece of wire or electrode
Each 1/2 coil
of electrode
10 to 20 coils
of electrode
NS-3M &
Each coil
of electrode
10 to 20 coils
of electrode
5/64 NR-211MP With
Extension Guide
2 to 5 coils
of electrode
Do not let spatter accumulate on end of extension guide. Clean as necessary.
Failure to keep extension guide free of spatter will make extension guide electrically
hot and it will arc to work.
Trouble Cause Remedy
Poor smoke pickup Vacuum unit not operating correctly. Clean filters or repair vacuum unit.
Spatter buildup on intake ports, I.D. of Remove spatter and clear all passages.
extension guide or I.D. of intake housing.
Hoses blocked or damaged. Clean or repair hoses.
Strong drafts. Eliminate strong drafts or construct barriers
so draft will not affect smoke removal.
Visible stickout is too long. Shorten visible stickout to
recommended length.
Housing “O” ring seal not in place.
Place “O” ring against housing to handle junction.
Poor arc action or erratic feeding. Worn contact tip or nozzle. Replace worn parts.
Dirty cable. Blow out cable with compressed air.
When intake ports are 50% plugged.
Gun Cables
Clean cables after using approximately 300 pounds of
electrode. Remove the cable from the wire feeder and
lay it out straight on the floor. Remove the contact
nozzle tip from the gun. Using an air hose and only
partial pressure, gently blow out the cable from the
gun end. Too much pressure at the start will cause
the dirt to form a plug.
Flex the cable over its entire length and again blow
out the cable. Repeat this procedure until no further
dirt comes out.
Gun Nozzle
a. Replace worn contact tips as required.
b. Remove spatter from tip or extension guide after
each ten minutes of arc time as required.
c. Replace worn spring liner in nozzle. The life of the
liner can be doubled by rotating the liner 180°.
The liner can be pulled out the back end of the
nozzle by wedging the blade of a small screwdriv-
er in the I.D. and pulling.
d. Internal parts of nozzle can be removed and
replaced by removing the internal hollow-lock set
screw from the contact tip end of the nozzle with
an Allen wrench.
The ceramic insert and retainer will normally fall out
the end of the nozzle but if they do not, gently drive
the spring liner towards the outgoing end of the noz-
See the parts list pages for construction details and
replacement parts. When re-assembling the nozzle,
make certain that the ceramic nozzle insert is placed
next to the spring liner. The hollow-lock set screw is
to be tightened to give .38” as measured from the end
of the nozzle to the hollow-lock set screw.