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The Multi-Source is designed to supply power to the
Multi-Weld welders. It has a wide range three phase
AC input and can be operated on 50 or 60 Hz. The
Multi-Source output peak voltage regulates against
wide changes in output loading and input line voltage
variations to supply a consistently stable voltage high
enough to allow the Multi-Welds to provide good man-
ual electrode capability.
Primary input voltage taps are selected by a single
movable link on the reconnect panel. Main transformer
auxiliary windings power the firing circuit and fan
motor. The control auxiliary transformer has a single,
wide range primary and is not reconnectable.
The Fan As Needed feature is activated by an output
current of 20 amps DC or a thermostat on the main
transformer iron.
An independent safety circuit on the Control board
monitors the voltage peaks and opens the input con-
tactor if the limit is exceeded. The green Safe Output
light indicates when the machine output voltage is with-
in the safe operating range.
Other indicator lights include the amber Thermal light
that signals when the long term output current limit has
been exceeded. This limit is determined by a thermo-
stat sensing the temperature of the negative output
lead from the secondary coils. The white Power light
indicates when the Control board is energized. The
three lights are high intensity LEDs for improved visi-
bility in daylight.
The Output Power display uses high intensity LEDs to
indicate the percentage of full rated output the machine
is supplying.
Two additional thermostats protect the machine in the
case of fan failure or blocked air flow. The SCR heat
sink thermostat responds first to loss of air flow at nor-
mal output loads. This thermostat will disable the
machine output. The transformer iron rear thermostat
senses that the lamination (and thus the coil insulation)
is over heating (which can happen even if the output is
disabled). This thermostat will interrupt power to the
Control board causing the input contactor to open until
the iron cools.
The only user controls are an on-off toggle Power
switch that energizes the machine and a 10 A cir-
cuit breaker protecting the fan auxiliary against
short circuits.
The only recommended use for the Multi-Source is to
power the Multi-Weld welders. It is conceivable that
the machine could be used as a constant voltage DC
power supply up to its rating of 40,000 watts (36,000
watts on 50Hz) output. Its output is stable with a wide
range of inductive, resistive and capacitive loads but
each application would have to be tested. The output
is peak voltage regulated and at light resistive loads
(maximum ripple) the average voltage deviates from
peak voltage the most.
The Multi-Weld 350 K1752-1 is the recommended
means by which to control the Multi-Source power sup-
ply. Connections between Multi-Source and Multi-
Weld may be easily made using Twist-Mate male and
female connectors and the K1736-1 distribution box.
The Multi-Weld 350 has multi-process capability and
may be used with manual and semi-automatic
processes. When a wire feeder is required, an LN-25
(K449) is recommended. The Multi-Source 40kW
(36kW on 50Hz) 80VDC buss power source (K1752-1)
is recommended for use in the Multi-Weld system.
• 80 volt peak OCV.
• 40,000 watts of output (36,000 watts on 50Hz) at
100% Duty Cycle.
• 75 volts at 533 amps (75.8 volts at 475 amps on 50
Hz) over 900 amps for 5 seconds without harming
the machine.
The machine has copper windings and a varnish
dipped transformer for added environmental protec-
• Sealed external controls
• Voltage ratings have been upgraded and used with
higher voltage MOVs.
• Input lines are protected by the most rugged surge
protection we’ve ever used.
• Indicator lights and digital display are extra bright to
enhance visibility outdoors.
• HP_Cooling fan can operate on a wider range of