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DC-600 (below code 10500): Attach the triangular
mounting plate to the shock mounted plate of the
Adapter with three of the #10 self-tapping screws
provided. Attach the triangular plate to the side of
the DC-600 adjacent to the control terminal strips
using two roof screws and one front panel screw.
Connect the Adapter control cable to the DC-600
terminal strips power the proper connection dia-
Other Power Sources: Mount the Adapter Kit to the
side of the power source or some convenient loca-
tion so its control cable can be connected to the
power source terminal strip. Use the shock mount-
ed mounting plate as a template to locate the four
5/32" diameter holes that must be drilled in the case
side. (Use caution not to drill into or get chips into
any internal components.) Mount the Adapter Kit
with four of the #10 self-tapping screws provided.
Connect the Adapter control cable to power source
terminal strips per the proper connection diagram.
K350-1 ADAPTER KIT - Turn off power source and all
power to the power source.
Used to connect an LN-23P (K316L-1) to a Lincoln
power source that has a 14 pin control connector.
Mount the Adapter Kit to the side of the power
source or some convenient location so its control
cable can be connected to the power source termi-
nal strip. See the mounting instructions form the
Connect the Adapter control cable to 14 pin con-
nector on the power source per the proper connec-
tion diagram.
Connect a 12 AWG or larger rubber covered flexible
lead physically suitable for the installation to the
voltage sensing work lead (#21) coming from the
LN23P control cable connector. For convenience,
wrap this voltage sensing lead around the work lead
and tape in place. Connect it directly to the work or
to the work cable connection
Installation and loading instructions (M-13153) are
supplied with the kit.
The LN-23P is shipped with the proper drive rolls and
guide tubes factory installed. Do not adjust the idle roll
tension adjusting screw. If the idle roll tension must be
relieved temporarily, see “A” and “B” of Maintenance
Unclip the rubber retaining strap that holds the wire
enclosure cover in place and remove the cover.
Push the wire drive section door latch towards the
rear of LN-23P and open door.
Loosen the gun locking set screw in the conductor
block on the front of the gear box with a 3/16 hex
Allen wrench.
Lay the cable out straight. Insert the connector on
the conductor cable thru the large grommet in the
front of the wire drive section and into the brass
block on the front of the gear box. Make sure it is all
the way in and tighten the locking set screw with a
3/16 hex Allen wrench. Keep this connection clean
and bright.
Connect the 3 pin gun trigger connector to the lower
If the gun cable being used has a reduced speed
switch, connect the 4 pin reduced speed switch
connector to the upper receptacle. If the reduced
speed switch is not used, install the protective cap
on the upper receptacle.
K-350 ADAPTER KIT– Turn off power source and all
power to the power source.
SAM-400 Engine Welders: Attach the shock mount-
ed mounting plate to the front of the SAM electrical
component panel to left of the relay case with 4 of
the #10 self-tapping screws provided. Older models
require the drilling of 4 5/32 dia. holes into the
panel. Connect the adapter control cable to the
SAM terminal strips per the proper connection dia-