B-25 B-25
Tolerances Value Modifying
The user can modify the tolerance values. This is done
by: 1) Use the joystick to highlight the equipment set-
ting or parameter to change. 2) Press the red select
button. 3) Use the joystick to change the value.
Pressing the green set tolerances button will save the
The following screens are used to modify tolerances:
• Tolerances Equipment Settings screen
• Tolerances Gas screen
• Tolerances Welding Technique Parameters screen
• Tolerances Pattern and Aim screen
• Tolerances Whip and Travel Speed screen
• Tolerances Weave screen
Next & Previous
The arrow buttons are used to cycle through the toler-
ance editor screens.
The configuration and process selected are shown at
the top of the screen.
In the upper right of the screen is the name of the tol-
erance set being modified.
Ideal values represent the ideal weld technique para-
meters. If the user welds using the technique listed as
ideal, they will get the best score. The ideal values are
represented by the red line on the LASER screen.
Changing the +/- changes the acceptable tolerance
indicated by the white lines on the LASER screen. Any
welding technique used within that +/- range is accept-
able but will be scored lower the further it is from the
ideal value. As an example, a work angle with an ideal
of 45 degrees and a +/-1 of 10 degrees means that the
user can use a work angle between 35 and 55 degrees
and create an acceptable weld.
Settings that are non-applicable to the process select-
ed are greyed out and cannot be changed.
This is the same as the tolerance configuration selec-
tion screen.
Pressing back goes to the previous screen without
saving changes.
Prev Pass
Pressing this changes the pass being modified. If this
is the first pass, this option is not available. The pass
number currently being modified is shown in the upper
right of the screen.
Next Pass
Changes the pass being modified to the next pass in
the series. If this is the last pass, this option will not be
Tolerances Equipment Settings
This screen allows for the modification of the following
welding parameters:
• Wire Feed Speed
• Amperage
• Voltage
• Polarity
Tolerances Gas screen
This screen allows for the modification of:
• Gas Mixture Selected
• Gas Flow Rate
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