56 78-14564-03
Change the ring
volume for the
active profile
Choose Menu > Profiles, then
select the active profile. Scroll to
and select Ring Volume.
Press to increase the volume or
to decrease the volume. Press
Back to make the change.
Change the
incoming call alert
for the active
Choose Menu > Profiles, then
select the active profile. Scroll to
and select Incoming Call Alert.
Scroll to and select Off or On to
control the incoming call alert
Change the
vibrating call alert
for the active
Choose Menu > Profiles, then
select the active profile. Scroll to
and select Vibration Call Alert.
Scroll to and select Off or On to
control the vibrating call alert
Change the keypad
tone for the active
Choose Menu > Profiles, then
select the active profile. Scroll to
Keypad Tone and select it.
Scroll to and select Off or On to
control the keypad tone function.
If you want to... Then...