Linksys IP Phone Administrator Guide
Firmware Version 5.1
Chapter 3 Managing Linksys IP Phones
Configuring the Web Service
• Templates are compared in the order given. The first, not the closest, match is selected. The
parameter name must match exactly.
• If more than one definition for a parameter is given in a configuration file, the the phone uses last
definition in the file.
• A parameter specification with an empty parameter value forces the parameter back to its default
value. To specify an empty string instead, use the empty string "" as the parameter value.
Data Types
• Unsn – Unsigned n-bit value, where n = 8, 16, or 32. It can be specified in decimal or hex format
such as 12 or 0x18 as long as the value can fit into n bits.
• Sign – Signed n-bit value. It can be specified in decimal or hex format. Negative values must be
preceded by a "-" sign. A ‘+’ sign beforea positive value is optional.
• Int – A generic integer value. The range depends on the parameter.
• Strn– A generic string with up to n non-reserved characters.
• Floatn – A floating point value with up to n decimal places.
• Timen – Time duration in seconds, with up to n decimal places. Extra decimal places specified are
• PwrLevel – Power level expressed in dBm with 1 decimal place, such as –13.5 or 1.5 (dBm).
• Bool: Boolean value of either "yes" or "no".
{a,b,c,…} – A choice among a, b, c, …
• IP – IP Address in the form of x.x.x.x, where x between 0 and 255. For example,
• Port – TCP/UDP Port number (0-65535). It can be specified in decimal of hex format.
• UserID – User ID as appeared in a URL, up to 63 characters.
• FQDN – Fully Qualified Domain Name, such as "sip.linksys.com:5060", or "".
It can contain up to 63 characters.
• Phone – A phone number string, such as 14081234567, *69, *72, 345678, or a generic URL such
as 1234@
, or jsmith@linksys.com. It can contain up to 39 characters.
• ActCode – Activation code for a supplementary service, such as *69. It can contain up to 11
• PhTmplt – A phone number template. Each template can contain 1 or more patterns separated by
a ",". White space at the beginning of each pattern is ignored. The question mark "?" and asterisk
"*" represent wildcard characters. The template can contain up to 39 characters. Examples: "1408*,
1510*", "1408123????, 555?1".
• RscTmplt – A template of SIP Response Status Codes, such as "404, 5*", "61?", "407, 408, 487,
481". It can contain up to 39 characters.
• CadScript – A mini-script that specifies the cadence parameters of a signal. Up to 127 characters.
• 1[;S2], where
Si=Di(oni,1/offi,1[,oni,2/offi,2[,oni,3/offi,3[,oni,4/offi,4[,oni,5/offi,5[,oni,6/offi,6]]]]]) and is
known as a section, oni,j and offi,j are the on/off duration in seconds of a segment and i = 1
or 2, and j = 1 to 6.
• Di is the total duration of the section in seconds. All durations can have up to 3 decimal places
to provide 1 ms resolution. The wildcard character "*" stands for infinite duration. The
segments within a section are played in order and repeated until the total duration is played.