
Chapter 5: Configuring the Wireless-G ADSL Home Gateway
The Wireless Tab
Wireless-G ADSL Home Gateway
The Wireless Security Tab
The Wireless Security settings configure the security of your wireless network. There are two wireless security
options supported by the Gateway: WPA Personal and WEP. (WPA stands for Wi-Fi Protected Access, which is a
security standard stronger than WEP encryption. WEP stands for Wired Equivalent Privacy.) These are briefly
discussed here. For detailed instructions on configuring wireless security for the Gateway, turn to “Appendix B:
Wireless Security.” If you want to disable wireless security, select Disable from the drop-down menu for Security
WPA Personal. Enter a WPA Personal of 8-32 characters. Then enter a Group Key Renewal period, which instructs
the Gateway how often it should change the encryption keys.
Figure 5-15: WPA Personal