Chapter 4: Setting Up and Connecting the Wireless-G Bridge for Phone Adapters
Running the Setup Wizard
Wireless-G Bridge for Phone Adapters
9. Configure the wireless security settings. Select the method your network is using, WPA, WPA2, WEP (128-Bit),
or WEP (64-Bit). Then proceed to the appropriate instructions. If you are not using wireless security, select
Disabled, and proceed to step 10.
WPA automatically uses TKIP with dynamic encryption keys. Enter a passphrase on this screen.
Encryption - TKIP is automatically selected as the encryption method.
Passphrase - Enter a Passphrase, also called a pre-shared key, of 8-63 characters in the
The longer and more complex your Passphrase is, the more secure your network will be.
Click Next to proceed, or click Back to return to the previous screen.
WPA2 automatically uses AES with dynamic encryption keys (AES is a stronger encryption method than TKIP).
Enter a passphrase on this screen.
Encryption - AES is automatically selected as the encryption method.
Passphrase - Enter a Passphrase, also called a pre-shared key, of 8-63 characters in the
The longer and more complex your Passphrase is, the more secure your network will be.
Click Next to proceed, or click Back to return to the previous screen.
Figure 4-9: Security Settings - WPA Screen
Figure 4-10: Security Settings - WPA2 Screen
wep (wired equivalent privacy): a method of encrypting network
data transmitted on a wireless network.
encryption: encoding data transmitted in a network.
wpa (wi-fi protected access): a wireless security protocol
using TKIP (Temporal Key Integrity Protocol) encryption.
wpa2 (wi-fi protected access 2): a wireless security protocol
using AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) encryption.