Thank you for selecting the Lumiscope Model 1145
Talking Wrist Type Blood Pressure Monitor. The 1145
features voice announcement and playback of blood
pressure measurements for added convenience and has
been designed to provide you with many years of reliable
service. The unit can help you measure and track the
following values:
• Systolic pressure
• Diastolic pressure
• Mean arterial pressure
• Pulse rate
• Historic record of up to 60 measurements per user
(maximum 2 users)
Readings taken by the 1145 are equivalent to
those obtained by a trained observer using the
cuff and stethoscope auscultation method, within
the limits prescribed by “EN1060-3 Non-invasive
Sphygmomanometers-Part 3: Supplementary
requirements for electro-mechanical blood pressure
measuring systems.” The monitor’s accuracy in
measuring diastolic pressure was tested using the fifth
Korotkoff sound method.
Please read this manual thoroughly before using the
Key Features
1. TALK / VOLUME button
2. LCD
3. ON / OFF button
4. Speaker
5. USER 1 / UP ARROW button
6. USER 2 / DOWN ARROW button
7. SET button