
Quattro DC Troubleshooting
Name Description
Possible Causes & Corrective Action
The hardware has detected a
ground fault on the line side
power bridge.
IGBT Breakdown
Inspect and measure for physical voltage
breakdown damage on IGBTs and DC bus
LS Charge
The DC bus did not charge up
within the expected time.
DC Bus did not charge within expected time
Verify that the setting for INPUT L-L VOLTS
(A5) is correct
Verify that the PCM contactor is activated
during a pre-charge attempt
Verify that pilot relay K1 on PCB A8 is
CAUTION: There may be a short circuit on the DC
bus. Inspect for physical damage.
LS CHK Setup
This fault is logged when a
new program is loaded to the
line side processor, and the
default data is loaded for the
parameter values.
Inconsistent Parameter Settings
Verify Parameters settings in menu A1, A2,
A3, A4, and A6 are correct
LS Conn Off
The power interface board has
detected a missing or loose
connector on the line side.
Missing Connector
Verify connectors are connected
Verify connectors are properly seated
LS Cube Data
The cube data for the line side
processor is invalid.
Invalid Cube ID
Verify LS Cube ID is seated correctly and not
LS Cube ID
The generation of this fault is
indicative of a bad processor
Invalid Cube ID
Indicates a bad processor board
LS Curr Reg
Measured current does not
match the command current.
Problem with Motor Contactor
Verify that motor contactor is closing
Verify motor contactor is not opening
Faulty current feedback signals
Verify that reported drive current is zero when
drive is not operating
Verify connections to current transducers
Loss of gate power supply
Check gate power supply
Incorrect DC Bus Voltage reading
Measure the dc bus with a meter
Compare that with the value on the digital
operator, DC BUS VOLTAGE (D2)
Inaccurate Motor Parameters
Verify motor nameplate values (A6) are
entered correctly
External Relay Timing
Check for improper external relay timing
Check Wiring
Missing jumper wire at Customer Interface
Board PCB, TB2
The DCU parameters
checksum is invalid on the line
Parameters Corrupted
Check & re-enter Line Side parameters and
power cycle the drive