Handling fuels / Refuelling
- Stop the engine before refuelling.
- Keep away from open flame or sparks and do not smoke
while refuelling or mixing fuel (5).
- Let the engine cool down before refuelling.
- Fuel may contain substances similar to solvents. Eyes
and skin should not come in contact with mineral oil
products. Always wear protective gloves when refuelling
(5). Frequently clean and change protective clothes. Do
not breathe in fuel vapors. Inhalation of fuel vapours can
be hazardous to your health.
- Before refuelling the brushcutter make sure it is in a
stabile position.
- Do not spill fuel or oil. When you have spilt fuel or oil
immediately clean the brushcutter. Fuel should not
come in contact with clothes. If your clothes come in
contact with fuel, change them at once.
- Ensure that no fuel ooze into the soil (environmental
protection). Use an appropriate base.
- Refuelling is not allowed in closed rooms. Fuel vapors
will accumulate near the floor (explosion hazard).
- Carefully tighten the locking screw of the fuel tank and
inspect the fuel cap at regular intervals.
- Change the place before starting the engine at least 10
feet (3 meters) from the place of refuelling (6).
- Fuel cannot be stored for an unlimited period of time.
Buy only as much as will be consumed in the near future.
- Use only approved and marked containers for the trans-
port and storage of fuel. Ensure children have no access
to fuel.
Putting into operation
- Do not work alone. Another person must be nearby
in case of emergencies (within shouting distance).
- Children and other persons must remain more than 50
feet (15 meters) from the working area. Keep an eye out
for animals as well (7).
- Before use always check that the brushcutter is safe
for operation:
Make sure the cutting tool is securely installed. The
throttle must automatically return to the off position
when released, and the throttle lever lock must work
properly. The cutting tool must not turn during idling. The
handles should be clean and dry. The on/off switch must
function properly. The guard must be undamaged and
securely installed in the correct position. Otherwise
you are in danger of injury!
- Start the brushcutter only in accordance with the instruc-
tions. Do not use any other methods for starting the
engine (8)!
- Use this brushcutter and its cutting tools only for the
uses they are intended for as specified in the documen-
- Never use, for example, wire or wire-rope which can
break off and become a dangerous projectile. Use only
flexible, non-metallic line recommended in this manual.
- Start the brushcutter only after complete assembly
and inspection. Operation of the device is only
permitted after all the appropriate accessories are
- The cutting tool must be equipped with its appro-
priate guard. Never run the cutter without this guard!
- The cutting tool must not turn during idling. If necessary
adjust the idling speed.
50 feet
(15 meters)
10 feet
(3 meters)