
Green LED Red LED Alarm UPS Status Indication
On X X AC Mode (Operation)
On On 4 beeps
0.25 sec. / per 10 sec. Self-Test Mode
On On 1 beep @ 2 sec. Overload (AC Mode)
Blinking On On Overload 110% (DC Mode)
X On On Overload 120% (DC Mode)
X On On Short (DC Mode)
Blinking X 4 beeps
0.25 sec. / per 10 sec. DC Mode (Operation)
Blinking On 1 beep
1 sec. Low Battery Voltage
On Blinking 1 beep
20 sec. Battery Failure
On Blinking X Charge Mode Abnormal
X Blinking X Battery Voltage Over Spec. ( ≥ 15 Volts )
indicator table
The UPS has both visible (LED) and audible (alarm) status indicators. One LED indicates AC or DC mode;
the other indicates a fault or overload condition.