for choosing the Langevin MINI MASSIVE STEREO EQUALIZER. This Equalizer is based on the
Manley Massive Passive Stereo Tube EQ and might be described as an evolution and an alternative to the
original.The Massive Passive and the Mini Massive share a number of qualities. Both are based on passive
circuits comprised of resistors, capacitors and inductors to sculpt tone, in fact for the most part, the exact
same circuits. These EQ circuits substantially attenuate the signal, and gain is needed to restore signal
levels to nominal unity gain when ‘flat’ and provide the apparent EQ boosts. The Massive Passive uses
mostly tubes to provide the gain and the Mini Massive uses solid-state gain blocks. The Massive uses
tubes and transformers simply because it was designed for a certain amount of color and character. The
Mini Massive was designed to be clean and pristine and be an alternative for people wanting the magic
of the its big brother, but who generally prefer EQs that have less intrinsic color.
The Massive Passive was intended to be a brute-force EQ in the same vein as classic vintage units,
most useful on close-miked instruments needing some drastic treatment. Like many things, the users
found many applications that the designer had not expected, such as stereo buss, mastering and subtle
vocal treatments. The Mini Massive should be even better suited for these tasks for some people,
because of its basic cleanliness and more minimalist design. Of course, the best choice is at least one
of each, plus a good analog parametric, a familiar vintage EQ, plus a few good digital EQs, including
a linear phase type.
Some sections of this manual have been directly 'borrowed' from the Massive Passive manual and some
parts are fresh and only pertain to the Mini Massive. As usual, the manual is mostly just train-of-thought,
random ramblings from one engineer to another and can be read with a grain of salt or a smile.
The Langevin MINI MASSIVE must be installed in a stable location with ample ventilation. It is
recommended, if this unit is rack mounted, that you allow enough clearance on the top of the unit such
that a constant flow of air can move through the ventilation holes. Airflow is primarily through the top.
You should also not mount the MINI MASSIVE where there is likely to be strong magnetic fields such
as directly over or under power amplifiers or large power consuming devices. The other gear's fuse values
tend to give a hint of whether it draws major power and is likely to create a bigger magnetic field. Magnetic
fields might cause a hum in the EQ and occasionally you may need to experiment with placement in the
rack to eliminate the hum. In most situations it should be quiet and trouble free.
As with any electrical equipment, this equipment should not be used near water or moisture.
The user should not attempt to service this unit beyond that described in the owner's manual.
Refer all servicing to your dealer or Manley Laboratories. The factory technicians are available for
questions by phone (909) 627-4256 or by email at <service@manleylabs.com>. Fill in your warranty
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