
Description A strip chart is an area of the screen reserved for horizontal scrolling.
This is normally used as follows:
Initialize the strip chart, which reserves the appropriate area of the
Draw a line segment at the right or left side of the strip chart.
Shift the strip chart to the right or left.
Draw the next line segment.
Used this way the strip chart can produce a graph which scrolls
smoothly horizontally in either direction. With text the strip chart
can produce a marquis effect.
NOTE If the strip chart is used with text we recommend the use of a 6 or 7 pixel wide
fixed width character set, with each character placed 8 pixels from the start of the previous
Up to 7 strip charts ([ref] = 0 - 6) may be defined. To initialize a strip
chart the user must define an area on the display in which to place the
strip chart.(x1,y1) is the top left corner of the area to be used, where [x1]
is the placement of the column where the strip chart is to begin and [y1]
is the row. The user must then define [x2] as the bottom right column of
the area to be utilized and [y2] as the bottom right row.
The definition ofx must lieon byte boundaries. That is, x mustbe defined
as 0x00, 0x08, 0x10, etc. This restriction does not apply to y values.
Remembered No
8.11 Shifting a Strip Chart
Hexadecimal 0xFE 0x6B [ref]
Decimal 254 107 [ref]
ASCII 254 “k” [ref]
Parameter Length Description
ref 1 Reference number of a strip chart
that has already been created.
Matrix Orbital GLK24064-25 34