
monitoring, mute the channels you are recording to, or send their output
to another bus.
In a typical Direct Monitor application, plug your microphone and guitar
into Channel 1 and Channel 2 on the rear panel.Arm a pair of inputs in
your computer recording software and set their recording levels using the
Gain controls on the M-Audio Ozone.As detailed in the previous sections,
you want the recording level to be as high as possible without distorting.
Make sure that the recording software is not outputting the audio you’re
recording, or else you will hear the signal played twice from the outputs.
Next, set the Direct Monitor Level for each Channel Input to your
speakers or headphones and you are ready to record. If you are recording
your mic and guitar while listening to tracks already recorded in your
computer,you might want to listen once and set your Direct Monitor Level
relative to the tracks playing from your computer.
NOTE: In this scenario, you may want to hear your mic and guitar in
the center of the stereo image. To achieve this, locate the Direct
Monitor switch on the M-Audio Ozone rear panel, and switch it to
the “Mono” position.
In Mac OS X (only), when your M-Audio Ozone is connected to your
computer’s USB port and recognized by the system, this section will
indicate a “Connected to M-Audio Ozone” status.
M-Audio Ozone MIDI Setup and Control
A typical MIDI system would include your M-Audio Ozone, a computer,
MIDI sequencing software,software synthesizers and/or a MIDI compatible
sound module.This type of setup can be connected as follows:
The M-Audio Ozone is connected to the computer via the USB port
connectors, using the supplied USB standard cable.
The M-Audio Ozone can play any software synthesizers that are installed
in your system, as well as the synthesizer that is part of an internal sound
card.This will depend on how you set up your software (see the section
entitled “Using the M-Audio Ozone in your Application Software”).
The “USB” MIDI Output of the M-Audio Ozone can be connected to the
MIDI In of a sound module. The audio output of the sound module can be
plugged directly into the Aux Input of the M-Audio Ozone.The M-Audio
Ozone’s Output 1 and 2 can then be plugged into a sound system, or into
a mixer, which is then connected to a sound system (see the section
entitled “M-Audio Ozone Audio Setup”).