
Torq User Guide » Chapter 1
Torq User Guide » Chapter 8
Masking a Snapshot
Each Snapshot you create contains the settings of almost every component in Torq. A Snapshot will remember they Key setting of
a Deck, the EQ settings in the Mixer (including the state of the EQ Kills), the channel gains and volumes, the Crossfader position,
and the contents and settings of the built-in Effect Racks (VST effects are not saved in the Snapshots). You can therefore have a
Snapshot that will update all of these parameters at once, if you wish.
More often than not, however, you’ll want to only override a portion of your current settings using a Snapshot. For example, you
may want to recall the settings of one effect rack while leaving all other settings (channel volumes, EQs, etc.) as they currently
are. This is the purpose of masking, which allows only particular portions of the Snapshot to be used.
Each column in the Snapshot List corresponds to certain portions of the Torq interface. You’ll nd columns for Deck A and Deck
B, Key, FX, EQ Kills, EQ knobs, Crossfader, and channel volumes. When you create a new Snapshot, these columns will be blank.
As a result, nothing will happen when you trigger the Snapshot.
The way to enable the Snapshot is to place check boxes in these columns to indicate what portions of the interface you’d like the
Snapshot to control. If you put a check box in the Deck A column, the Snapshot will use the information for the left side of the
interface. You can check Deck B instead if you wish the Snapshot to only affect the right side of the interface. Check them both
and the entire interface can be updated with the Snapshot.
Once you’ve selected which Deck(s) should be controlled by the Snapshot, place additional check boxes in the columns
corresponding to the parameters you’d like to control. For example, if you check the Deck A and EQ knobs columns, only the
EQ knobs on the left side of the mixer will be updated when the Snapshot is triggered. Any other settings (the current key of
the song, any effects in the Effect Racks, etc.) will remain unchanged. If you were to also check the EQ Kills and Key columns, the
Decks key setting will be updated by the Snapshot, along with the EQ Kills, too. Checking all of the columns and all parameters
within the Snapshot will override the current settings. When you release the Snapshot, all previous settings will be restored.
Using Snapshots
The second column in the Snapshot list is labeled Assignment and contains the name of the current keyboard key or MIDI note
assigned to the Snapshot. When you make a new Snapshot, this column will be blank. Simply right-click (CTRL-click on Mac) on
the empty eld and the message “Press a key...” will appear, indicating that Torq is waiting for your key assignment. Press a key on
your computer’s keyboard, or trigger a MIDI note on your external controller, and Torq will immediately bind it to the Snapshot.
Right-click again to assign a different key, if you wish. Now, the Snapshot will be activated any time you press the assigned key.
Note: Because of the large amount of Snapshots you may create while using Torq, you can to use modier keys when making
assignments. For example, you can assign the W key, SHIFT+W, CTRL+W, and ALT+W to different Snapshots—you can even use
multiple modiers, like CTRL + SHIFT + W.
Duplicate Snapshot
Click on a Snapshot in the list to select it, then click the Duplicate Snapshot button (just to the right of the New Snapshot
button). Another Snapshot will appear in the list, but this one will contain an exact copy of the parameters from the previously
selected Snapshot. You can give the duplicate a new name, then select different masking parameters to make the Snapshot behave
differently. Assign a different key to this Snapshot, and you can re off either with ease.
Delete Snapshot
The third button above the Snapshot list is the Delete Snapshot button. Select a Snapshot from the list then click this button to
delete it.