
© Cafina / Melitta 1 - 4 OI c5 eng V9 / 18.08.2006
1.2.6 "cw cup warmer" option
The autonomous cw cup warmer has three
levels with built-in heating elements.
1.2.7 "Second coffee bean
grinder" option
The second coffee bean grinder option al-
lows a second variety of coffee to be used.
Without this option, the second bean hop-
per is locked.
1.2.8 "Raised bean hopper"
A higher been hopper (a unit) can be pla-
ced on top of the bean hopper(s) to increa-
se the coffee bean capacitiy.
1.2.9 "Bean hopper lockable"
Lockable versions of both the standard and
raised bean hoppers are available.
1.2.10 "Milk level monitoring"
Milk level monitoring is used in conjunction
with the installed EF milk cooler. It is cou-
pled to the c5 coffee maker control system.
Warnings on the LCD enable the user to
keep an eye on the level of milk while the
machine is in operation.
1.2.11 "Raised feet" option
To clean the area underneath the ma-
chines, all the machines can be fitted with
raised feet.
1.2.12 "Waste water container
level monitoring" option
If the c5 coffee maker is connected to fresh
water and waste water cans, it is pos-
sible to monitor the level of the waste water
can (see also section «5.2 Water connec-
tion, 5 - 4»). The level monitoring is coupled
to the control system. The control system
outputs level-specific information to the
1.2.13 Shift function
The five beverage selection buttons are al-
located as standard at two levels with one
pre-programmed beverage per level in
each case.
The Shift function switches the beverage
selection buttons to the second level and
back again.
1.2.14 TWIN function
Normally, one pass of coffee grinding with
subsequent infusion operation produces a
single quantity of the selected coffee (cof-
fee + milk) product.
With the TWIN function, one pass of coffee
grinding with one subsequent infusion op-
eration produces a double quantity of the
selected coffee (coffee + milk) product.
The TWIN function has to be activated by
the Technical Customer Service.