
You should see:
A big silver- or gold-colored box (the power supply cover) along
the left side.
Eight long, narrow slots (edge-connector receptacles), green or
black outside with gold-plated contacts inside, located perpen-
dicular to and against the back wall of the Apple II enclosure.
The slots are numbered from left to right, from 0 to 7. The
numbers are located between the far end of the slots and the back
A 4 inch by 4 inch square outlined in white, located directly
behind the keyboard (RAM chips are located here).
2. Touch the power supply cover.
Touch the cover to discharge any static electricity you may be
3. Find Slot 0.
Lean over your Apple II to see the numbers at the far end (back wall
side) of the eight slots. They are numbered from left to right, from 0
to 7. You want the number 0 slot, the leftmost.
4. Remove card from sLot 0.
If there is a card in Slot 0, it must be removed since Slot 0 is the slot
you will use for RAMCard. If there is no card in Slot 0, disregard this
step and go on to step 5.
5. Find the left rear memory chip.
Look inside the white square. There are three rows of eight memory
chips installed within the square. Locate the chip in the last row
(farthest from the keyboard) and the first column (farthest left,
closest to the power-supply cover). This is the chip you will need to
6. Remove the left rear memory chip.